Your to do list is reading like a
novel. Instead of being in the
best shape of your life you have Budweiser bloat. People are being dicks. You need to get away!
Unfortunately, your next vacation isn’t for months. How do you keep from randomly crying in
the supermarket or abruptly quitting your job? It is time for a STAYCATION. Don’t go anywhere.
Just sit your cute fanny down in your own home and get your pamper
on. Since this doesn’t require a
spa, let alone a plane ticket, this is a great way to save money while saving
your sanity.
Today, I needed a staycation. I’ve
been experiencing a rare feeling in my life, stress. My life is designed for my enjoyment. This means I minimize tasks like work
and house keeping, and emphasize outdoor adventures and playtime. Work has been stressful lately because
this is the busiest time of year.
Customers and coworkers all seem to have caught a case of the Angry
Augusts. I could use two weeks in
a Thai spa, but that isn’t in the budget or schedule right now so I settled for
a at home SPACATION.
Badass women need to have a supply
of beauty products. I will not be
told otherwise and turn my life over to a make-up free existence. If you are a
badass in the office, you need to combat stress lines and stale air. If your badassing has you skiing down
mountains you need to undo the stress of natural elements such as snow, sun,
and near death adventures.
What I believe every woman should own for an emergency
hair conditioner
face mask
Here is a look into my SPACATION. Let the two-hour bath begin.
First, I dry brushed.
This is supposed to help stimulate the lymph nods and reduce
cellulite. This is one of those
things I always want to do but never seem to remember. It feels amazing to accomplish
something I so often regret not doing.
2nd I showered and did a hair mask as my
conditioner. While letting the
mask soak, I shaved.
3rd I exfoliated my body with a salt scrub from
my trip to Israel. Usually, I make
my own with almond oil and Sugar in the Raw. Cheap and easy.
4th Bath time. I fill the tub, dry my face on a towel I keep nearby and exfoliate
my face with a scrub. Rinse. Dry face. Apply mud mask.
Allow to dry, about two minutes.
Rinse. Dry. Apply moisturizing face mask and keep on
for the duration of the bath.
5th Time for some straight chilling. I like to keep the fan on in the
bathroom to create white noise.
Relax. Stretch your
neck. Lift a leg and stretch. A neck and scalp massage will
help to unwind. This is a nice time to read, but an even better time to
meditate and clear your mind.
When the time feels right I leave the bath. I moisturize my face first because it
usually feels dry. Next, every day
I do a full body moisturizing. This
is a great day to pluck. A perfect
eyebrow makes for a groomed face.
Bust out the hair dryer and product. Usually I air-dry my hair, but on
spacation, it’s time to full on beauty routine.
After hair comes make-up. This is also the day to go above and beyond. I like to switch up my eye
make-up. Try a new look. This is the day to test the cat-eye or
use a new lip-gloss I got as a gift.
Anything I’ve been saving for a special day is busted
out. This is a holiday. This is staycation, baby!
Here what I look like post spacation as opposed to my everyday adventure life.
Adventure isn't alway pretty. |
Post Spacation |
life is making you crazy what is your go to sanity solution?
How do you counter the stresses of
being a badass in your own life?
want to hear from you all and then steal your secrets.
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