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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Viceless Day 36-43: I'm a busy New Yorker now

Here you are my lovely blog-badasses! You've been on my mind as I wrapped up business in my mountain town, Jackson and transferred my booty to New York City for most of the summer. I'm here to take a summer intensive to get my Life Coaching Certificate through NYU. I've left my small, steady town for the wilds of New York. At least I don't have to worry about bears or mountain lions anymore.  

I wasn't sure I'd say this but, I LOVE NEW YORK. I love the friendly, helpful strangers, the cute outfits everywhere, the great friends I haven't seen in years but mostly I love the prevalence of healthy, delicious, Viceless approved food in restaurants. 

While on the flight to NYC I started thinking, what the hell am I doing? I'm going to be socializing my ass off and eating out like crazy. Not drinking is going to make me a freak. Where am I going to find Viceless food?!?!? I was imagining writing my apology letter for my failure: "I was an idiot for trying this. Sorry. I'll be eating pizza and bagels if you need to find me and berate me."

Then, I show up in NYC. My amazing friend who is letting me stay in her apartment (and who was previously known as the cupcake queen) is aware I'm Viceless and says, "You down with a macrobiotic restaurant that I love?" Ummm... YES! 

Chia Pudding obsession.
Turns out, I'm not alone in my quest for Vicelessness. There are so many people in NYC trying life without either white sugar, gluten or dairy that food options are everywhere. I've had raw-vegan, gluten-free sushi, the most amazing salads with steamed veggies and tahini dressings, and scrumptious brown rice bowls. My food choices haven't been inconvenient for an instant. In fact, I'm more tempted than ever. Everywhere I turn is a sugar-free, dairy free bit of deliciousness made with agave or honey. I'm limiting my sweet intake, because this isn't about replacing a vice with an alternative vice, but I've got to try some of this stuff! My favorite so far is Chia seed pudding. Chia seeds in cashew milk with a little agave and they sell it at so many places! Hello, super-food dessert!

Ok, I had to take a deep breath because in all my excitement I'm abusing exclamation points. I'm reminded of the Joseph Campbell quote, "Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be." For me, the door has been friends with the same food interests. I was so afraid of ostracizing myself with my new Viceless lifestyle, but the three friends from my past that I've been able to see so far are fascinated by the same lifestyle and food that I am. They may not be totally Viceless, but they definitely lean toward these healthy choices and love hearing how my Viceless adventure is going. I have way more support in NYC than I did even in Jackson. 

Can't wait to share my food findings with you all! (final exclamation point, I promise) I'm off to meditate and read about life coaching in Prospect Heights Park. 

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